18 Ocak 2018 Perşembe

House Burns But Finding Cat Assuages Pain

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Milliyet Newspaper, 18 January 2018)

ali meşe ordular ile ilgili görsel sonucu

In Ordular village of Mudurnu district, Bolu province, Ali Meşe (83)
tried to light his stove yesterday to warm his one-story home.  However,
when the gasoline he was using splattered it caused a fire that burned
the entire house down.  The elderly man and his wife and two sons were
able to escape safely but there was no sign of Ali Bey's beloved 'sarman'
(tabby cat).

ali meşe ordular ile ilgili görsel sonucu
At his age, Ali Bey has learned what's important in life.

Ali Bey was distraught but firefighters at the scene not only put out the
fire but found the cat, as well (!).  Ali Bey cried when reunited with his
'sarman' and both Presidential Spokesman İbrahim Kalın and Family
and Social Affairs Minister Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya pledged that Ali
Bey and his family (plus cat) would get a new home.

bolu haritası ile ilgili görsel sonucu

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