13 Kasım 2013 Çarşamba

Turks Now Sending Aid to USA

reverseaid links to related article

Now, we're on the receiving end. (oy vey!)

(Hurriyet Newspaper, 13 November 2013)

//ed. note: you saw it here first! We reported this critical news on 8 October
2013, although the aid was headed for Arizona (!) at that time.//

Turkey's efforts regarding foreign aid have reached
the USA, the world's richest country with a GDP of
16 trillion dollars per year. It was announced last night
at the Turkish Embassy in Washington that the Turkish
Agency for Cooperation and Development (TIKA) will
provide 200,000 dollars in aid.

The Washington Post newspaper remarked humorously
following the reception at which the announcement was
made that "Guess it’s time to find some worthy program
out there to highlight  the dire development needs of the Kurds?"

TIKA's first aid package on U.S. soil will target the development
needs of Native Americans and, in particular, the Warm Springs
Reservation in the state of Oregon. The project aims to provide
the 5,000 Native Americans there with a water tank that will
satisfy drinking water needs for 10 years and improved educational
facilities, including the construction of a school for 850 children.

With tongue-in-cheek, award-winning Post writer Al Kamen wrote
that "Before fiscal cliff, before sequester, before debt ceiling,  before
the craziness on the Hill —  the United States proudly sent billions
of dollars a year abroad to help developing  countries. And, despite
all the trauma, we still do. But  now it appears a bit of that money is
trickling back.  Guess it’s time to find some worthy program out
there to highlight  the dire development needs of the Kurds?"

Turkish largess extended to Warm Springs

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